Sunday, 23 June 2013

Tips on Pilates equipments exercises for back pain

Pilates exercises can improve your back pain if done with proper training. Here are some tips on using Pilates equipments as well as plain Pilates check them out

•    If your are new to Pilates or your back is fragile at the moment, you might be better served to work with the fundamental Pilates exercises first.

•    Breathe! Deep breathing activates the supportive core muscles of your trunk.(among many other benefits, like keeping you alive)

•    Your abdominal and back muscles are mutually supportive. You will want to support your back by engaging your abs during these exercises.

•    Keep your neck long and your shoulders down away from your ears, like a giraffe.

•    Be attentive to symmetry and balance. In most cases you will want your shoulders even and your hips to be even.

•    Do these exercises mindfully. Go slow, be gentle, and don't do anything that hurts.


Exercise 1: Modified Hamstring Pull with resistance band

-Tight hamstrings are often a culprit of low back pain.  When these muscles are short (often due to prolonged sitting) they can pull on the back and cause discomfort.

Start supine with the knees bent and the feet on your mat.  Place the resistance band around the bottom of the right foot.  Straighten the leg upwards towards the sky holding each end of the resistance band in each hand.  Feel the stretch in the hamstring and back of the knee.  For a more intense stretch, lengthen the left leg out along the mat.   Hold for at least thirty seconds.  To switch, place the left foot in the resistance band, remove the right foot, and place the right foot to the floor.  Again, stretch the right leg out for a stronger sensation and hold the stretch for thirty seconds or longer.  Always aim for a stretch not a strain!

Exercise 2: Windshield Wipers

-Though “Windshield Wipers” is not a Classic Pilates pose, I have found it to be a consistently effective stretch with back pain sufferers.  The exercise stretches the low back, glute, and hip while also opening up the rib cage and shoulders.

Start supine with the knees bent and the feet flat the width of the mat.  Inhale and drop your knees to the right.  Exhale and stretch your left arm back behind you.  Take a few moments here (again, about thirty seconds) breathing into the left side of the rib cage and encouraging the knees gently towards the floor. Bring the knees and arm back to center.  Repeat on the other side.

Exercise 3: Modified Supine Spine Twist with exercise ball

-I love this exercise as a safe abdominal strengthener.  The ball holds the weight of the legs allowing the transversus and obliques to do the work.

Start supine with the legs completely supported on an exercise ball. Bend the knees so the ball is close.  Take the arms out to the sides with the palms facing down.  Inhale and lower the legs to the left, gently hugging the ball with the hamstrings and calves. Exhale and draw the ball back to center.  Repeat on the other side.

Exercise 4: Modified Pelvic Curl with exercise ball

-Though pelvic tilts may seem like the more appropriate pelvic exercise for back pain, in my experience the subtle movement of a pelvic tilt is often difficult to grasp resulting in clenching of the glutes and overarching of the back.  Try this pelvic curl for a more fluid movement.


Have a nice time with your Pilates work out with Pilates equipments.

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pilates equipment for home

Saturday, 22 June 2013

About Pilates equipments

Pilates provides shape and flexibility to your body. Here are some Pilates exercises that you can do with or without Pilates equipments.

If you’re trying to sculpt leaner legs, these Pilates exercises can help streamline and shape your thighs. To get on your way to leaner legs, follow the instructions below and watch the accompanying video for a visual demonstration and trainer tips.

Begin these exercises by laying on your right side on an exercise mat. Rest your arm under your head for support and extend your legs out long. For optimal muscle engagement, be sure to lift your bottom rib off the mat and pull your abdominal muscles in. This first exercise, a leg lift, is designed to work the outer thigh.

1.    Inhale and point your toe as you lift your left leg up in the air, hip-high.
2.    Exhale and flex your ankle as you bring your leg back down.

Repeat several times, making sure not to lift your leg higher than your hip or you'll start working your obliques rather than your hip. The longer and harder you point your toes and reach your legs, the more you'll streamline the thigh. Staying in this same position, you can move on to challenge yourself with the next Pilates exercise for your thighs.

1.    With your left leg raised hip-high and your toes pointed, move your leg in small clockwise circles with little exhales. Envision drawing a quarter with your big toe to keep the circles small.
2.    Reverse the circle, making sure to keep the abdominals in, then lower your leg to rest.

From this position, you can go straight into the next exercise, which starts to get the inner thighs involved.

1.    Exhale and lift both your legs up off the mat, keeping them squeezed together. Your right arm can remain under your head; your left arm can be braced in front of you for support. Imagine that the bottom leg is lifting the weight of the top leg.
2.    Inhale to lower your legs back down to the mat.


Pilates Leg Circles


This leg exercise helps to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the upper thigh and hip joint while simultaneously working the deep muscles of the pelvic floor.


Lying on your back with one leg extended along the mat (foot flexed), and the other leg lifted at a 90-degree angle with the foot flexed.


Circle the leg in the hip socket 6-8 times each direction. Inhale as you begin and exhale to pull the leg back to start.

Pilates Single Leg Stretch


To strengthen the core and thighs while increasing your back and leg flexibility.


Lying on your back with head and shoulders lifted off the mat pull one knee into your chest and extend the other leg just off the floor.


Keeping the head and shoulders lifted using the abdominal muscles pull one knee to the chest grabbing with both hands, extend the other leg.

Inhale and exhale as you switch legs alternating for about 8 – 12 repetitions.


Start your Pilates today with Pilates equipments.

Recent Article:

pilates equipment for home

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Pilates equipments to perform leg lift

Leg lifts actually target your hip and hamstring, and Pilates equipments exercises tone those parts of your body to give it a perfect shape.

You can also perform this exercise on a mat. Here you are imagining that your leg is a bullet firing out from your hips. To perform this exercise on a mat:

1.    Keep your torso and hips still, so that you isolate your top leg.
2.    Rotate your top leg so that your knee is facing upward.
3.    Breathe in, and flex your top foot and lift your leg as high as you can.
4.    Breathe out, and slowly return your leg to starting position.
5.    Use a resistance band to increase your toning. Make sure it remains taut to increase the resistance.


Lying Leg Lift

The lying leg lift is a fundamental Pilates exercise that works the muscles of your outer thigh. Lie on your right side and use your right hand to support your head. Place your left arm across your body and place your palm flat on the floor for stability. Move your legs slightly forward so that there is a slight bend in your waist. With your hips and feet stacked, pull your belly button into your spine and stabilize your core. Slowly lift your left leg as high as you comfortably can. With control, lower your leg back down. Complete eight repetitions and then switch sides.


The Pilates bicycle exercise targets your quadriceps, hamstrings and hip muscles. Assume the same position described above with your hips stacked and a slight bend in your waist. Lift your left leg so that it is parallel with the floor. Inhale and, keeping your leg straight, slowly take it to the back as far as you comfortably can and then bend your knee. Keeping your knee bent, bring your leg to the front as far as you comfortably can and then extend your knee. Take your leg back to repeat the movement. Perform four repetitions and then switch directions. After completing four repetitions, switch sides to complete the bicycle in both directions with your right leg.

Single Leg Kick

The leg kick exercise uses your leg and hip muscles. Begin in the position described above. Lift your left leg so that it is parallel with the floor. With control, move it to the front as far as you can, slowly take it to the back and then return to the front. Repeat the movement eight times and then switch to perform the exercise with your right leg.


Perform pilates equipments exercises tone your body.

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pilates equipment for home

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Pilates equipments exercises for better flexibility

Here are 5 ways you can use Pilates to focus on the tone and flexibility of your arms, shoulders and upper back. Check out the Pilates equipments exercises:

1.    Get the movement fundamentals. Before adding exercises and strength challenges, you want to be sure you are moving your arms and shoulders in ways that keep them integrated, connected to your core, and don't throw your posture out of whack. This is easy but important part of a Pilates based upper body workout:

  • Shoulder Stability
  • Arms Over
  • Angel Arms

2.    Work Arms and Shoulders with the Whole Body - Planks and plank-based exercises like Pilates push up are perfect for building upper body tone and core integrity.
  • 3 Versions of Plank
  • Pilates Push-Ups
  • Back Extension Exercises

3.    Use the Pilates Magic Circle (fig. 2) - Now we get into adding resistance for the arms and shoulders, as well as feedback to the core. The magic circle will help you tone all areas of your upper back and arms. If you use it properly, resisting the release as well as squeezing it in, you will be using eccentric contraction which helps create longer looking muscles.

Upper Body Workout with Pilates Magic Circle

4.    Add Hand Weights to Your Mat Workout. Adding light handweights, toning balls or wrist weights will increase the toning effect on your arms and shoulders and challenge you more to keep the shoulders integrated with the core. There are many ways to put hand weights into your Pilates mat workouts.

How to Use Hand Weights in a Pilates Workout

5.    Increase Shoulder and Arm Flexibility. Stretch and strength go together. You don't want strength without flexibility and you don't want to be flexible without the strength to integrate and use it. This is very important in upper body work where you frequently have for good range of motion and flexibility in everyday life.

Learn Arm and Shoulder Stretches on the Ball (or a chair)


So, now that you know how to tone your arms and shoulders with Pilates equipments, try them!!

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pilates equipment for home

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Pilates equipments exercises for legs

Pilates is your overall body fitness mantra. Here are some videos on Pilates equipments exercises check them out.

This Pilates workout video for the butt and thighs is very effective at toning the lower body. It consists of only thigh slimming exercises that add definition without adding any size to the legs. What all of the moves have in common is that they engage the muscles without any significant weight or resistance. benefit to this Pilates workout video is that the moves engage much more than just the obvious muscle groups. In addition to toning the lower body, you’ll also be using your abdominals, obliques, hip flexors and lower back. Aside from the toning benefits, Pilates also offers the advantage of increasing flexibility and overall body awareness.

Do this lower body workout routine up to three or four times a week, taking more time off in between if muscles are still sore.

Do at least 5 minutes of warm up cardio before starting the routine in order to warm up muscles and increase range of motion.

With this workout we intentionally filmed in just one shot to make it as close as possible to how I taught my Pilates classes. I have given short pauses between exercises and level changes to allow you to rest if needed, though to get the most out of this routine try and use them sparingly or only when you have to relax to move to a new position. There are individual exercises where you will be following along with me as well as exercises where I progressively increase the difficulty by modifying the motion. You can choose whether or not to follow along with me or stay at a lower difficulty level, though the first time through you may want to stick to the easiest version to see how your body handles the full routine before making it harder for yourself. As you get comfortable with the routine, feel free to start on the harder modifications from the beginning of each exercise.

As with any Pilates workout, core contraction and breathing are key, so take your time to learn the breathing patterns as they can greatly enhance the calorie burn as well as the core toning effect. Also remember that all of these motions should be done slowly and fluidly. The muscle activation required to move slowly and under control requires more coordination and burns far more calories than the same motion done quickly, with an uncontrolled swinging.


Leg Lifts Pilates Exercise

The Leg Lifts Pilates Exercise is used to work your love handles. This is a great exercise whether you simply want to tone your love handles, or want to get rid of your ‘muffin top’ altogether. The Pilates Leg Lifts exercise works the:

•    Hamstrings
•    Quads
•    Abs
•    Glutes
•    Obliques

Standing Leg Lift Pilates

To perform the Standing Leg Lift Pilates Exercise:

1.    Place legs together, then shift weight to your front leg.
2.    Move your other leg backwards.
3.    Move your arms out front, to balance.
4.    Soften your front knee, and lift your back leg off the ground.
5.    Hold your leg up, and flex your foot in short bursts.
6.    Perform the exercise for a minute, then switch legs.


Now that you are aware about the right ways to perform Pilates equipments exercises, try them and have fun!

Recent Articles:

pilates equipment for home

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Pilates equipments exercises for Back Pain

Pilates exercises are challenging but they never give strain to your muscles. Check out the pilates equipments exercises to make things better.

Before starting any new exercise system, it is always advisable to check with a physician or other healthcare provider. Before starting a Pilates exercise program, it is important to check that the potential instructor has received training in the Pilates exercise system, and that he or she understands any specific back problems. If a patient starts Pilates after physical therapy, the physical therapist should outline the exercise principles identified as particularly important for his or her rehabilitation.

As a general rule, back patients should avoid exercises that push the spine into extremes of flexion or extension, or combine flexion with side bending or twisting the spine. These motions place excessive stress on the intervertebral discs. Also, it is important to avoid fatigue - either mental or physical - which is when proper form is lost and injuries more likely to occur.

The exercises in the Pilates system should be challenging (both mentally and physically) but not so difficult that they cause anyone to struggle. If an exercise causes pain—it is best to stop and tell the instructor. The exercise may be too difficult, or the person may need additional help to do it correctly.

Finally, it may take awhile for the full benefits of a Pilates exercise program to be realized. Just as problems that create most back pain problems happen gradually over time, learning to use one’s muscles in a way that support - rather than stress - the spine takes time and commitment.


The Pilates Exercise Program

Pilates is an exercise system named after its originator, Joseph Pilates. Mr. Pilates developed this system in the early 1900’s to improve his health and to support the health of fellow World War I internees. Later, he incorporated the resistance of springs into rehabilitation programs for hospitalized patients, and then translated the use of springs into machines and created the unique equipment now used in the exercise system.

Important principles of the Pilates exercise program include:

•    Use of mental focus to improve movement efficiency and muscle control
•    Awareness of neutral spine alignment, or proper posture, throughout the exercises
•    Development of the deep muscles of the back and abdomen to support this posture
•    Use of breath to promote mental focusing and centering
•    Creating length, strength, and flexibility in muscles


Get more info on Pilates to reduce your back pain.

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Saturday, 8 June 2013

8 Pilates equipments Exercises for a Tighter Tummy

Want to experience a tight and flat belly?? Pilates equipments exercises helps to give you a tummy that you dream of…here are some exercises check them out:

Mermaid with Ball


Footwork on Ball

Swan on Ball

Back Arm Rowing

Mermaid with Twist

Roll Back and Up

Coordination with Ball

Know more about Pilates to get your dream tummy

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pilates exercise equipment

Friday, 7 June 2013

Differences in Pilates equipments exercises and Yoga Exercises

Pilates exercises are very much directed toward developing core strengthen. Pilates equipments exercises makes it more effective for your body.

For our purpose, which is to explore some of the exercises that Pilates and yoga have in common, it might be worthwhile to start with a few generalizations about how Pilates and yoga approach movement.

One of the significant differences between Pilates and yoga, is that Yoga poses also develop core strength. But yoga is more stretch and flexibility oriented, and perhaps, less interested in daily movement mechanics than in expanding consciousness through movement. Pilates also increases flexibility, and has a strong body/mind integrative component, the difference is the degree of focus.

Pilates and Yoga as Body/Mind Practices

One of the most obvious similarities between Pilates and yoga is that they are both body/mind disciplines. The intent for both is to bring the body and mind together in a way that enhances awareness and elevates the over-all life experience of the practitioner. Any body/mind integrative practice can evolve into a spiritual path. In yoga this intent is often overtly expressed, whereas Pilates, this opportunity may be acknowledged but is rarely directly addressed.


Difference No. 1: Origin

Difference No. 2: Mind & Body…and Spirit

Difference No. 3: The Class

Difference No. 4: The Workout

Difference No. 5: Breathing Techniques


Find out
more about pilates and its benefits.

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pilates exercise equipment

Monday, 3 June 2013

Safety while using Pilates equipments

Some Safety measures while using Pilates equipments .

A new research study examines the effectiveness and safety of selected Pilates mat exercises.

When Joseph Pilates originally set out to teach his unique exercises to German internees during World War I, little did he know that one day hundreds of fitness professionals would teach his techniques, and infomercials would sell products based on his methods. But as popular as Pilates exercise has become over the last two decades, until now no research has been conducted to scientifically validate its effectiveness. This article will look at what the first study to date has to say about the claims modern-day instructors make about the method. In particular, the following questions will be addressed:

•    How many calories does a Pilates workout burn?
•    Does Pilates exercise raise the heart rate enough to qualify as a cardiovascular fitness workout?
•    Does Pilates exercise really target the core muscles? Specifically, how does it compare to the gold standard for abdominal exercise—the gym crunch?

Feel the (Calorie) Burn

•    The first thing we set out to determine was how many kilocalories (kcal) a Pilates workout burns. Workouts were divided according to level and intensity (beginner, intermediate and advanced). Over the testing period, the 12 subjects completed all three workout levels in a randomized order, following prerecorded video workouts (from the STOTT PILATES™ video series), while being measured for cardiovascular output. All the routines were mat workouts that did not require any extra Pilates equipment. We used an oxygen/metabolic cart to measure caloric expenditure (1 liter of oxygen [LO2] = 5 kcal). Both heart rate and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored.

•    Results indicated that Pilates workouts at the intermediate and advanced levels meet the requirements for promoting general fitness when performed with high enough frequency and duration. (See “Kcal Burned During Pilates Mat Workouts,” below.) A person wishing to improve or maintain weight and body composition through Pilates mat work would need to progress to the point of being able to do the intermediate to advanced workouts—and perform these workouts at least 4 days a week for 45–60 minutes each session, not including the warm-up and cool-down. (To attain a significant change in body weight, dietary monitoring would also be important.)


Make your Pilates exercise regime a fun with Pilates equipments

You may also like: Pilates Equipment for Home  

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Pilates equipments: Magic Circle

Check out Pilates workout with Pilates equipments.

Here are free Pilates magic circle exercises, as well as information on magic circles. The Magic circles, also known as fitness circle, workout ring, exercise ring, etc., add light resistance to pilates exercises and help target specific muscle groups. They are often used to help tone the arms and thighs, and increase the core strength challenge of an exercise.

The Pilates magic circle offers some of the best arm, chest, and shoulder toning exercises. This is a simple set of exercises that works all parts of the upper body.

This is a standing Pilates exercises that targets the inner thighs, along with working the hips and abs.


Ring of tire

Using the Pilates magic circle will remind you what good workouts are really made of. These 7 moves will work you to your core.

Push your workout to the next level with the addition of a Pilates magic circle. It's perfect for toning and building core strength — and it's light and not too expensiveIt's made of flexible metal or rubber, and is 12 to 14 inches in diameter, with soft pads on each side. Try out a few at the store, and get one that isn't too hard to squeeze but instead provides mild resistance, says Heather Kirk, Pilates instructor at Inline Private
Training in Baltimore.


Pilates Workout: The Magic Circle

First created and named by Joseph Pilates himself, the “magic circle” remains a versatile and highly effective tool for today’s Pilates practitioners. Space-efficient and transportable, it is an ideal small-equipment option for personal trainers and group instructors alike. By thinking imaginatively, you can use it successfully with any of your clients, from injured Baby Boomers to well-trained athletes.

Note that while the circle is often used to isolate or target a specific area of the body—like the inner and outer thighs, or the arm, chest or shoulder girdle muscles—it is also ideal for other purposes:

1. To Relieve Tension in the Neck. During trunk flexion exercises in which the head and shoulders are lifted off the mat for extended periods of time, many clients are unable to focus on their core muscles owing to the tension they experience in their necks. The magic circle can help eliminate this unnecessary tension by acting as a cradle for the head. Simply placing the head inside the bottom cushion of the circle and holding the top cushion with the hands enables clients to keep the head and shoulders lifted using the abdominals and arms rather than relying on overworked or tense neck muscles (see Ab Prep).

2. To Avoid Gripping or Overworking the Hip Flexors. Commonly in Pilates mat routines the legs are extended or held in tabletop position while the core is being worked.


Some Common Pilates Ring Uses

The Pilates ring, sometimes called a Windsor ring, provides a tool for getting more kinds of light resistance into a Pilates session. Some of what constitutes Pilates is based on the principle of isometrics, where the body acts against itself or against a surface. With the Pilates ring, users can target the upper body, core or lower body.

The Pilates Ring and Core Strength

There's a general principle behind a wide variety of Pilates ring exercises. Part of this is in the way the body responds to imbalance. When the body pressures the ring, it may trigger a balance challenge, according to how the ring is positioned. While the body responds to right itself, the core muscles are responding and getting attention they may need to tone or prevent atrophy. A diverse Pilates ring training session works the core and makes the body adjust to different poses, while the ring provides an elasticity that can add resistance and amp up the physical effort of the user.


Know more on Pilates equipments and have a healthier life.

You may also like: Pilates Equipment for Home

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Pilates equipments History in brief

Know the history of Pilates before you start doing it with Pilates equipments.

Pilates, an exercise form named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, can be found in health clubs and studios around the world. Many people don't realize, however, that this form of exercise has been around since the early 1900s. Joseph Pilates developed his system to help rehabilitate World War I soldiers. The Pilates system evolved beyond rehabilitation over the next few decades to include exercise suited for professional dancers, athletes and the general public.

Pilates is known to develop the muscles of the core, create length, strength, and flexibility in muscles of the extremities, and to improve your posture. The Ped-A-Pul is known for its effectiveness at isolating the shoulder and also supporting scapular musculature.

The Ped-A-Pul is composed of a base, an upright pole and two springs with handles. It allows participants to work against gravity with the assistance of the pole.


Pilates was designed by Joseph Pilates, a physical-culturist from Mönchengladbach, Germany. During the first half of the 20th century, he developed a system of exercises which were intended to strengthen the human mind and body. Pilates believed that mental and physical health are interrelated.

In his youth, he had practiced many of the physical training regimes available in Germany, and it was from these he developed his own work. It has clear connections with the physical culture of the late Nineteenth Century, such as the use of special apparatuses and claims that the exercises could cure ill health. It is also related to the tradition of "corrective exercise" or "medical gymnastics" as typified by Pehr Henrik Ling.

Pilates published two books related to his training method: Your Health: A Corrective System of Exercising That Revolutionizes the Entire Field of Physical Education in 1934, and Return to Life Through Contrology in 1945. In common with early twentieth century physical culture, Pilates had an extremely high regard for the Greeks and the physical prowess demonstrated in their Gymnasium.

The Pilates method seeks to develop controlled movement from a strong core and it does this using a range of apparatus to guide and train the body. Joe Pilates originally developed his method as mat exercises (his 1945 Return to Life teaches 34 of these), but, in common with many other physical culture systems from the first part of the twentieth century, he used several pieces of apparatus to help people "get the method in their bodies". Each piece of apparatus has its own repertoire of exercises and most of the exercises done on the various pieces of Pilates apparatus are resistance training since they make use of springs to provide additional resistance. The most widely used piece of apparatus, and probably the most important, is the Reformer, but other apparatus used in a traditional Pilates studio include the Cadillac (also called the Trapeze Table), the high (or electric) chair, the Wunda Chair, the baby Chair, and the Ladder Barrel, the Spine Corrector (Step Barrel) and small barrel. Lesser used apparati include the Magic Circle, Guillotine Tower, the Pedi-Pole, and the Foot Corrector.


Check out more on Pilates equipments

You may also like: Pilates Equipment for Home .

Friday, 31 May 2013

Classical Pilates with Pilates equipments.

Pilates is a systemic exercise that can be performed well with Pilates equipments.

Pilates is a system of exercises originally called "Contrology" (the art of control) by Joseph Pilates. It focuses on developing a strong, stable core with well-toned and flexible muscles to help improve posture, ease of movement and proper body mechanics. There are many different schools of thought on Pilates. Some schools lean toward a more contemporary approach blending it with other types of exercise, others treat it as rehabilitation for a specific problem. Classical Pilates stays as close as possible to the original intention of the man himself, which was mind control over muscle control. While it does enhance other forms of exercise and has a rehabilitative effect on the body, the focus is on the method. The beauty is in it's simplicity. Whether you are nine or ninety-nine years old, work in an office job or are an elite athlete, injured or healthy, you begin with matwork either in a group class or as part of your private session, modified as needed of course. In a private session, once you are warmed up, you visit each apparatus - Reformer, Cadillac and Wunda Chair - progressing from horizontal exercises to vertical, creating an anti-gravity effect. After a few basic sessions, the instructor adds in new exercises based on each clients' individual need to create a unique program.

Photo Source:
How is Pilates different from other forms of exercise?

Because you begin the session lying down, gravity assists you by bringing the abdominal muscles toward the spine. The mat gives you a reference point to feel the alignment of your spine against. Exercises are performed moving proximal to distal to challenge the stabilization of that alignment, first lying down, then seated and finally standing. Although the focus is on getting a workout, because of the concentration involved in controlling the body in its optimal alignment, it has a naturally therapeutic effect for clients with all sorts of ailments including heart conditions, orthopedic pain, pre and post surgery and even pregnancy. As with any ailment, it's always best to consult your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.


6 Moves To Shrink Your Belly

Toe Dip

Strength Training

•    Best Stretches For a Lean Body
•    Walk Off 5x More Belly Fat
•    Yes, You CAN Run 3 Miles!

Belly & Abs

Feast your way to a flat belly! Try it FREE for 30 days!

A. Lie on your back with your legs up and bent at 90 degrees—thighs straight up and calves parallel to the floor. Rest your hands at your sides, palms down. Keep your abs contracted and press your lower back toward the floor.

B. Inhale and lower your left leg for a count of two ("down, down"), moving only from your hip and dipping your toes toward the floor (without letting them actually touch it). Exhale and raise your leg back to the starting position for a count of two ("up, up"). Repeat with your right leg and continue alternating until you've done 12 reps with each leg.

Leg Circle

A. Lie on your back with your legs extended along the floor. Raise your left leg toward the ceiling, with toes pointed and hands at your sides, palms down. Hold for 10 to 60 seconds. (If this position is uncomfortable, you can bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the floor.)

B. Make a small circle on the ceiling with your left toes, rotating your leg from your hip. Inhale as you begin the circle and exhale as you finish. Keep your body as still as possible—no rocking—by tightening your abs. Do six circles, then reverse direction for six more. Repeat with your other leg.


Practice Pilates with Pilates equipments.

You may also like:Pilates Equipment for Home

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Pilates with Pilates equipments

Pilates with Pilates equipments

There are several different factors that you should be thinking about if you are deciding which is your preferred type of exercise - Pilates v Yoga. You may be thinking of taking up a relatively new type of exercise and are finding it difficult to decide between yoga and pilates. The one that you choose will become a part of your life and the decision you will make will depend on the results that you would like to attain.

Photo Source:

Exercise has been proven helpful for individuals who are suffering from depression or anxiety. Yoga might be the most effective exercise to combat the illness because it focuses on the mind as well as the body. When comparing the differences between Pilates vs Yoga, the breathing techniques as you will find out, differ a lot! In yoga, the breathing exercises help you to achieve relaxation. Throughout Yoga routine it is important to continuously concentrate on how the breath is being employed. Sending the breath to areas that may be tight or are holding stress can help to relax these specific muscle groups in your body.

With Pilates, the breath is used more as a technique of providing the muscles with the energy they need to exercise effectively. Concentrating on the breathing technique throughout Pilates will help you to manage the quantity of oxygen coming into the body and travelling to the muscles to help them become more relaxed.
Yoga and Pilates both contain several poses that are suitable for toning the abdominal muscles. However, Pilates exercises are a lot more intense and results may be achieved much quicker than they might be if practicing yoga. Through frequently Pilates exercises, a flatter and firmer stomach can be achieved.

For individuals with back pain, both yoga and Pilates poses can give glorious results for stronger and more supportive back muscles. Care has to be taken with some yoga poses as they will actually make the existing problems worse. When attending yoga classes, the yoga teacher will be able to offer advice to students with back problems.


 Have a look at some more Pilates guidelines.

You may also like: Pilates Equipment for Home

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Pilates equipments: Pilates mat exercise

Check out the following Pilates equipments for Pilates exercise

Though one will find tremendous variation in the way that Pilates exercises are presented today, there is a traditional order to the Pilates mat exercises as developed by Joseph Pilates.

Below are samples of the first 10 exercises of a classical Pilates mat workout, including a fundamental warm-up.
Photo Source:

At the end of the first 10 exercises, which is meant to be an introduction to the classic order, there is a completed list - with links to instructions for most of the rest of the exercises in a traditional program.


The Pilates Mat Exercises in Classical Order
  • The Pilates Mat Exercises in Classical Order
  • Hundred
  • Roll Up
  • Roll Over
  • One Leg Circle
  • Rolling Back (rolling like a ball)
  • One Leg Stretch
  • Double Leg Stretch
  • Spine Stretch
  • Rocker with Open Legs
  • Cork-Screw
  • Saw
  • Swan-Dive
  • One Leg Kick
  • Double Leg Kick
  • Neck Pull


Pilates Mat vs. Reformer: Which is right for you?

Pilates is known to stretch, strengthen, gain flexibility and balance your body, while connecting the mind with the body.  Strengthening the ‘Powerhouse’ which includes the abdomen, lower back, hips and buttocks is the biggest benefit that you will get while practicing Pilates.

Pilates Mat

A Pilates mat class is generally offered in a group format and are offered at Pilates studios, community centers, schools and businesses and on videos… making this very accessible to just about anybody.

Pilates Reformer

The reformer uses springs, pulleys, bars & straps to perform over 500 exercises in a variety of positions. The equipment was originally developed to offer movement and rehab to the injured, but today it offers a more challenging version of the matwork.

The Pros of Both

While both mat and reformer classes can offer results, it is arguable whether one is considered better than the other for beginner students. Any specific beginner class, whether mat or reformer, should offer basic understanding that can be applied to both. The benefits of Pilates mat classes are that it’s accessible,
affordable, requires little equipment and can be done in the comfort of your own home.


There are many Pilates equipments that can be helpful to you have a look at them.

You may also like:Pilates Exercise Equipment

5-Minute Pilates Workout with Pilates equipments

Here are some Pilates Exercise that will be helpful for you when you practice them in Pilates equipments.

1. Pilates Push-Ups

Targets: Biceps, Triceps, Chest, Upper Back, and Core

Minutes 0:00-0:30

Begin in the up phase of a push-up.
Hug your elbows to your sides and bend them straight back, lowering your body until you're about 5 inches from the floor, keeping abs firm, neck long and hips lifted.
Hold for a count of 3, then straighten your arms to return to starting position. Repeat


2. Wall Slides

Targets: Quads and Glutes

Minutes 0:30-2:30

Stand one pace away from a wall and press your back into the surface.
Slowly bend your knees to 90 degrees as you slide your back down the wall. Hold for 20 seconds.
Stand up and repeat twice more. Work up to holding for 40 seconds and then 1 minute.


Check out some more Pilates tips and practice Pilates for a healthier life.

You may also like: Pilates Exercise Equipment

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Pilates exercises with Pilates equipments

Pilates is a classic exercise form. It is helpful in various ways. Check out the exercises below that can be performed even without pilates equipments.

  • Hundred
  • Roll Up
  • Roll Over
  • One Leg Circle
  • Rolling Back (rolling like a ball)
  • One Leg Stretch
  • Double Leg Stretch
  • Spine Stretch
  • Rocker with Open Legs
  • Cork-Screw
  • Saw
  • Swan-Dive
  • One Leg Kick
  • Double Leg Kick
  • Neck Pull
  • Scissors
  • Bicycle
  • Shoulder Bridge
  • Spine Twist
  • Jack Knife
  • Side Kick
  • Teaser
  • Hip Twist
  • Swimming
  • Leg Pull - Front
  • Leg Pull
  • Side Kick Kneeling
  • Side Bend
  • Boomerang
  • Seal
  • Crab
  • Rocking
  • Control Balance
  • Push Up

Friday, 24 May 2013

Beginners Pilates with Pilates equipments

Beginners Pilates with Pilates equipments

At Peak Pilates, we are committed to preserving the integrity and genius of Joseph Pilates’ original equipment designs while integrating them with today’s technology. The result is a compatible family of equipment – from classic hand-crafted natural and sustainable woods to a new breed of advanced metal designs.


Types of Pilates

Where do I start?

There are several different ways to differentiate one pilates class from another. As an instructor my immediate thought is to differentiate Pilates by schools, or broadly, by classical vs. contemporary.

Of course regardless of the type of class each individual instructor also brings their own flavour to Pilates with their own individual experiences and personality.

  • Classical Pilates
  • Contemporary Pilates
  • Clinical Pilates
  • Mat work
  • Small props
  • Group Classes
  • Studio work


Pilates is a fitness system that has a reputation for offering various physical benefits such as improved flexibility, coordination, and increased strength. One of the advantages of this system is that it can involve a wide range of activities. These are often enhanced with a variety of Pilates equipment, including instructional materials, balls, and the Reformer.

One of the most essential pieces of Pilates equipment is the instructional materials. To experience maximum benefits from the system, Pilates exercises need to be performed correctly. If a person is not taking a class, this will be very difficult without some guidance. To assist users in this regard, there is a wide range of books and audio-visual materials available. These often address the various user stages such as beginning, intermediate, and advanced.

Balls are common pieces of Pilates equipment. The Pilates stability ball can be used for many things, such as yoga, physical therapy, and toning and defining the abdominal muscles. Conditioning is achieved when a person uses the ball to engage in a variety of exercises that require balance, posture, and coordination.


Check out more on Pilates equipments

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Pilates Exercise Equipment

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Effectiveness and safety of Pilates equipments

Pilates has cardiovascular fitness benefits. Check out the benefits of Pilates equipments exercises to strengthen your cardiac activity.

When Joseph Pilates originally set out to teach his unique exercises to German internees during World War I, little did he know that one day hundreds of fitness professionals would teach his techniques, and infomercials would sell products based on his methods. But as popular as Pilates exercise has become over the last two decades, until now no research has been conducted to scientifically validate its effectiveness. This article will look at what the first study to date has to say about the claims modern-day instructors make about the method. In particular, the following questions will be addressed:

•    How many calories does a Pilates workout burn?

•    Does Pilates exercise raise the heart rate enough to qualify as a cardiovascular fitness workout?

•    Does Pilates exercise really target the core muscles? Specifically, how does it compare to the gold standard for abdominal exercise—the gym crunch?

•    The Heart of the Matter

•    To determine whether a Pilates workout has cardiovascular fitness benefits, we looked at participants’ exercising heart rates and found that they varied throughout the workouts. Some moves, like the more advanced Jack-Knife and Side Lift, boosted the heart rate well into the target zone. In contrast, exercises like the Seated Twist and Leg Circles, which are performed lying down or seated, caused the heart rate to plummet. In addition, while the intermediate and advanced workouts raised heart rate significantly from resting levels—averaging around 120 and 130 beats per minute, respectively—the heart rate response was not like that seen after classic cardio activities like jogging or indoor cycling. To keep the heart pumping (and calories burning) during a Pilates workout, exercisers would need to decrease the number of breaks between exercises and maintain a more constant flow throughout the session.

•    We concluded that Pilates mat exercise, if done at an intermediate to advanced level, can provide a moderate cardio stimulus similar to that provided by some lower-impact activities like walking, but in a more interval-like way. To say that Pilates could replace higher-intensity cardio activities like running would be misleading. Even at the intermediate to advanced level, Pilates is more like flow types of yoga or circuit resistance training with light forms of resistance.

•    Targeting the Abs

•    Previous studies on the effectiveness of various abdominal exercises have provided information about the types of movements found to be most challenging to the midsection muscles (Juker et al. 1998; Willett et al. 2001). Using this information as a way to measure the effectiveness of Pilates exercises in the abdominal area, we placed electromyography (EMG) electrodes on the rectus abdominis (RA) and external obliques (EO) of the 12 test subjects and measured the amount of electrical output elicited by these muscles during 10 reps of five different Pilates exercises—the Hundred, the Double Leg Stretch, the Criss-Cross, the Roll-Up and the Teaser. (We also used EMG electrodes to measure the output elicited by the hip flexor muscle. See the next section on possible risks.) The basic gym crunch was used as the control.


6 Moves To Shrink Your Belly

Toe Dip

A. Lie on your back with your legs up and bent at 90 degrees—thighs straight up and calves parallel to the floor. Rest your hands at your sides, palms down. Keep your abs contracted and press your lower back toward the floor.

B. Inhale and lower your left leg for a count of two ("down, down"), moving only from your hip and dipping your toes toward the floor (without letting them actually touch it). Exhale and raise your leg back to the starting position for a count of two ("up, up"). Repeat with your right leg and continue alternating until you've done 12 reps with each leg.

Leg Circle

A. Lie on your back with your legs extended along the floor. Raise your left leg toward the ceiling, with toes pointed and hands at your sides, palms down. Hold for 10 to 60 seconds. (If this position is uncomfortable, you can bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the floor.)

B. Make a small circle on the ceiling with your left toes, rotating your leg from your hip. Inhale as you begin the circle and exhale as you finish. Keep your body as still as possible—no rocking—by tightening your abs. Do six circles, then reverse direction for six more. Repeat with your other leg.



A. Start as in the Toe Dip but with your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides. Curl up to raise your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor.

B. As you inhale, rotate your torso to the right, bringing your right knee and left shoulder toward each other and extending your left leg toward the ceiling in a diagonal line from your hips. As you exhale, rotate to the left, bringing your left knee toward your right shoulder and extending your right leg. That's one rep. Do six reps.


Leg Kick

A. Lie on your left side with your legs straight and together so your body forms one long line. Prop yourself up on your left elbow and forearm, lifting your ribs off the floor and your head toward the ceiling. Place your right hand lightly on the floor in front of you for balance. (If this position is uncomfortable, extend your left arm on the floor and rest your head on your arm.) Raise your right leg to hip level and flex your foot so your toes are pointing forward.

B. Exhale as you kick, swinging your right leg forward as far as comfortably possible and pulsing for two counts ("kick, kick"). Inhale, point your toes, and swing your leg back past your left leg. That's one rep. Do six reps without lowering your leg. Then switch sides and repeat.

Back Extension with Rotation

A. Lie on your stomach with your forehead on your hands, palms on the floor. Separate your feet to hip width. Pull abs in.

B. Raise your head, shoulders, and chest off the floor. Rotate your upper body to the right and back to the center, then lower. Repeat to the left side and continue alternating until you've done six rotations to each side.


Make your cardiovascular muscles fit with Pilates equipments exercises.

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pilates exercise equipment

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Pilates exercise with Pilates equipments

Start your Pilates exercise with Pilates equipments. Here’s the instructions for you, follow them to stay healthy.


1.Purchase basic Pilates exercise equipment, which consists of a Pilates mat or a basic yoga mat.

2.Use the Pilates Magic Circle to sculpt problematic areas like the thighs and upper body area. It's a fiberglass exercise ring that was created by Joseph Pilates, the inventor of the Pilates fitness plan. You can purchase the ring and an instructional video on websites like Amazon or Comfort Channel. There is limited availability in stores.

•  Exercise and tighten your entire body with the Reformer Pilates Machine. Anyone from the novice trainee to the advanced user can benefit from this piece of equipment. It is a sliding carriage that allows you to move backwards and forwards to achieve your fitness goals. Other variations of the machine are called a home studio system or an Aero Pilates machine. An instructional video is recommended with purchase since it is usually not included with the machine.
4.Use the good ole fashion Pilate fitness DVD or video. Usually armed with just a resistance band and/or a ball, this can help your body get fit and toned, without taking up a lot of space in your home.

5.Burn fat continuously with a Pilates Box and Pole even after you have reached your plateau. It is inevitable when exercising that your body starts to retain "body shape memory." This piece of exercise equipment has adjustable levels that will continue to help you change your body's structure.

Pilates Exercises
The first 10 exercises are preparatory exercises. The next group of exercises are the fundamental Pilates mat exercises, and the final group are advanced mat exercises. You can use the links to the right to select any one of these groups. Note that there can be some variation in how exercises are performed depending on the practice.

Visit here
to gather more about Pilates.

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Pilates Exercise Equipment

Before you start with Pilates equipments

Doing Pilates with Pilatesequipments is challenging when you are doing it for the first time. Here’s the guide to help you.

About Pre-Pilates

For some, even the beginner Pilates exercises will prove too challenging at first. Although the human body is a remarkably adaptive machine, it must be challenged progressively to grow. In other words, there is no sense in beating one's head against an immovable wall attempting to perform an exercise that is currently impossible. Where the challenge of even beginner Pilates is beyond one's ability, she may first begin with pre-Pilates. Pre-Pilates is a series of exercises designed to enhance the aforementioned characteristics to a level allowing for successful progression to a beginners' routine.


Sample Pre-Pilates Exercises

What follows are a series of basic pre-Pilates exercises that can be performed by anyone, anywhere.
Shoulder rolls may be performed while standing or sitting. Hold the rest of the body stationary and slowly bring one shoulder in a full circle (forward, up, backwards and down). Repeat with the other shoulder and continue alternating for a combined total of 10 repetitions.
Castanets may also be performed while standing or sitting. Hold your hands out to the front with palms facing upwards. Beginning with your thumb, touch it to the center of your palm a total of five times. Proceed to the index finger and continue until all fingers of both hands have been exercised.

  • If you are looking for an exercise program but are intimidated by more traditional workouts, pre-Pilates might just be for you. The exercises are basic but comprehensive, and with due diligence they will strengthen the body and allow progression to other, more advanced, programs. There is no shame in beginning with the basics so long as an earnest effort is made to progress and improve. Through a combination of diet and exercise with pre-Pilates, one can come a few steps closer to their ideal figure.

How to Begin Pilates Exercises -- powered by ehow
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