Pilates exercises can improve your back pain if done with proper training. Here are some tips on using Pilates equipments as well as plain Pilates check them out
• If your are new to Pilates or your back is fragile at the moment, you might be better served to work with the fundamental Pilates exercises first.
• Breathe! Deep breathing activates the supportive core muscles of your trunk.(among many other benefits, like keeping you alive)
• Your abdominal and back muscles are mutually supportive. You will want to support your back by engaging your abs during these exercises.
• Keep your neck long and your shoulders down away from your ears, like a giraffe.
• Be attentive to symmetry and balance. In most cases you will want your shoulders even and your hips to be even.
• Do these exercises mindfully. Go slow, be gentle, and don't do anything that hurts.
Ref: http://pilates.about.com/od/pilatesroutines/ss/Pilates-Back-Exercises.htm
Exercise 1: Modified Hamstring Pull with resistance band
-Tight hamstrings are often a culprit of low back pain. When these muscles are short (often due to prolonged sitting) they can pull on the back and cause discomfort.
Start supine with the knees bent and the feet on your mat. Place the resistance band around the bottom of the right foot. Straighten the leg upwards towards the sky holding each end of the resistance band in each hand. Feel the stretch in the hamstring and back of the knee. For a more intense stretch, lengthen the left leg out along the mat. Hold for at least thirty seconds. To switch, place the left foot in the resistance band, remove the right foot, and place the right foot to the floor. Again, stretch the right leg out for a stronger sensation and hold the stretch for thirty seconds or longer. Always aim for a stretch not a strain!
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Exercise 2: Windshield Wipers
-Though “Windshield Wipers” is not a Classic Pilates pose, I have found it to be a consistently effective stretch with back pain sufferers. The exercise stretches the low back, glute, and hip while also opening up the rib cage and shoulders.
Start supine with the knees bent and the feet flat the width of the mat. Inhale and drop your knees to the right. Exhale and stretch your left arm back behind you. Take a few moments here (again, about thirty seconds) breathing into the left side of the rib cage and encouraging the knees gently towards the floor. Bring the knees and arm back to center. Repeat on the other side.
Exercise 3: Modified Supine Spine Twist with exercise ball
-I love this exercise as a safe abdominal strengthener. The ball holds the weight of the legs allowing the transversus and obliques to do the work.
Start supine with the legs completely supported on an exercise ball. Bend the knees so the ball is close. Take the arms out to the sides with the palms facing down. Inhale and lower the legs to the left, gently hugging the ball with the hamstrings and calves. Exhale and draw the ball back to center. Repeat on the other side.
Exercise 4: Modified Pelvic Curl with exercise ball
-Though pelvic tilts may seem like the more appropriate pelvic exercise for back pain, in my experience the subtle movement of a pelvic tilt is often difficult to grasp resulting in clenching of the glutes and overarching of the back. Try this pelvic curl for a more fluid movement.
Ref: http://www.pilatesdigest.com/pilates-for-chronic-low-back-pain/
Have a nice time with your Pilates work out with Pilates equipments.
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